Ian Mulgrew: Insurers slammed for tossing travel claim over drinking
“The manner of settling the claims…appears to have been motivated solely by the economic interests of the insurers, and is reprehensible and the most…
Ian Mulgrew: Down the rabbit hole with Reza Moazami
OPINION: “The administrative machinery created by the Record Access Policy erects substantial and substantive barriers between the public and presumptively…
Ian Mulgrew: Utah legal reform an example for B.C.
OPINION: Medicine has become a team sport: doctors, nurses, radiologic technologists, pharmacists all play: The law should be similar.
Ian Mulgrew: What a surprise! Access to justice case delayed
Should we laugh or cry when lack of access to justice in B.C. delays a seminal case about — you guessed it — the need for access to justice?
Ian Mulgrew: An addict’s choice: The path not taken
“Use your time as best you can to work on your addiction and, hopefully, next time you are discharged from incarceration you will be able to become a…